Smoker's News

We’ve got the latest with what’s happening at OBT Cigars and the latest cigar industry news.

Cigar Clubs and Societies: Cigar Etiquette

In the world of cigars, tradition and etiquette form the backbone of the smoking experience. With the resurgence of cigar clubs and societies, there’s a renewed focus on community, appreciation, and the fine art of cigar smoking. Read more about cigar etiquette and it's importance in the resurging cigar world.


The Art of Cigar Making

Explore the artistry and history behind every OBT cigar. From the careful selection of tobacco in regions celebrated for their fertile soils and unique climates, such as Honduras and Nicaragua, to the expert hands that roll each cigar, this process is a blend of tradition and precision. Read more to learn about the rich history of our premium cigars.

Learn the importance of cigar storage and understand how organization can make your enjoyment that much better. The ways of preservation don’t have to be complicated, with OBT Cigar we can point you in the right direction and assist in making your cigar experience perfect.

Smithson with coffee

As the seasons change, so do our preferences for cigars and their cigar drink pairings. At OBT Cigar, we understand that each cigar offers a unique experience, which can be further enhanced when complemented with the right beverage or activity.

OBT Cigar

The intricacies of cigar sizes and shapes is crucial for both new and experienced smokers. At OBT Cigar, this concept is embraced through our diverse array of hand-rolled cigars, each with its unique dimensions and form.

firebird triple flame lighter

If you’re searching for how you can enhance your cigar smoking experience, then one the best ways to get started is to use a lighter designed specifically for cigars. The Firebird Triple Flame Refillable Torch Lighter, equipped with three flames, provides the necessary flame width to allow you to easily and properly light your cigar, regardless of your cigars ring size. Start smoking your premium cigars with the cigar accessories that will enhance your cigar smoking experience each and every time.

June 2020 Cigar of the Month: Carbonell President

The first month of summer is here and it’s time to smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Luckily, that’s not too hard of a feat for us cigar smokers; we’re more than happy to do more unwinding, relaxing, and enjoying the quality cigars we’ve collected over the years, especially with the beautiful summer weather. Quality cigars have the distinct feature of being able to alleviate many troubles, and that’s exactly what our Cigar Master, Vince Mascio, kept in mind when choosing our June 2020 Cigar of the Month, the Carbonell President.

May 2020 Cigar of the Month: F-1 Natural Churchill

As our nation begins to slowly reopen and we’re able to go outside to fire up the grill, get the boat on the water and hit the golf course again, don’t forget to pick up some of your favorite, quality cigars. Quality cigars have the distinct feature of being able to alleviate many troubles, and that’s exactly what our Cigar Master, Vince Mascio, kept in mind when choosing our May 2020 Cigar of the Month, the F-1 Natural Churchill.

April 2020 Cigar of the Month: Valley Connection Rothchild

During this trying time in our nation, while doing one’s part in self isolation, maintaining some normalcy is essential in facing the present and weeks to come. Luckily for us cigar smokers, we’re more than happy to do more unwinding, relaxing and enjoying our quality cigars we’ve collected over the years. Quality cigars have the distinct feature of being able to alleviate many troubles, and that’s exactly what our Cigar Master, Vince Mascio, kept in mind when choosing our April 2020 Cigar of the Month, the Valley Connection Rothchild.

St. Patrick's Day Cigar Pairings

This St. Patrick’s Day, embrace the Irish holiday with a festive drink and quality cigar pairing that St. Patrick himself would approve of.  Celebrate in style and enjoy your St. Patrick’s Day with these high quality cigar pairings, honoring the rich history and culture of the Irish.